"The ear of Wheat" is a popular Ukrainian folktale, well known to all Slavic children.
It tells a story of three friends: mice Spin and Twirl and Brother Rooster. Mice hated to work and spent all their time having fun. But Brother Rooster was very responsible and hard worker. Once Brother Rooster got an ear of wheat and used it to not make delicious patties only but also to teach his friends to appreciate the job.
The story is retold and illustrated by artist Olha Tkachenko. The book includes brilliant modern illustrations and dialogues. An English-Ukrainian bilingual book allows kids to learn both languages and explore Ukrainian culture.Languages: English&Ukrainian (Bilingual)
Length: 26 pages
Size: 8.5"/8.5"
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-1-7750402-3-1
The Ear of Wheat. Bilingual English-Ukrainian picture book